There's this girl.

So I'm in a program for teenagers who want to join the military. It's like JROTC, but better. :3 Anyway, this girl that used to be my best friend (Let's call her Char), was in it with me, but then she quit. I just think it's amusing that as soon as she quit, people she hasn't talked to in forever act like they were best friends or something. Char acts so fake, it's not even funny.. Foooor example... There's another girl, (Lets call her Morgan) that is extremely annoying & immature, but we put up with her... Char didn't like her at all. But then when Morgan posted on her facebook about how much she missed her, blah blah blah, Char is all "Oh yeah! I miss you too!"
I'm like, seriously? Hahahaha. Bitch. Whatever. I'm glad I don't have to put up with her anymore.
Two more days lovelies.<3 Then I'm fucking GONE for 3 weeks. :DD I can't wait until I graduate & get to leave all these dumb bitches. It annoys me that I don't know what's going on... Who knows what kind of shit is going through these ass hole's mouths. *Sigh* Ruuumors suck. Especially when I don't know what's being said.
On a different note... Happy 2 month baby.♥ These past couple months have been the hardest & best of my life. But through all of the hard times, I knew I could always count on you to be there for me, support me, and make me feel better. I love our relationship. It doesn't revolve around who said what, sex, or anything but us.♥ I love how we joke around and how we make eachother happy. Because that's what a real relationship is about. Love, and happiness. We have both. I'm looking forward to many more months to come. I love you. ♥ 27 APR 12 ♥
Anyway, I have nothing more to blog about.
~~ Ciao for now! ~~
June 27th, 2012 at 11:40pm