What?! Me?!

OMO! I can't believe it! Are you serious?! No you're joking, right? Me? An Ulzzang? Noooo haha ^^"

Ok so this is what happened, I was on Interpals, when this chick sends me a message telling me if I wanted to join this Ulzzang thing on facebook. My reaction [/WHAT?!?!??! ARE YOU F'EN KIDDING ME?!? OMO!!! (O___0)\]

I just can't believe it... I'm not pretty enough to be an Ulzzang. This person is joking right? Ahh >.< I don't know! Eottoke(what should I do)? (T_T)
I mean I have been told I'm cute, but I always take it as um.... my actions are cute, you know what I mean? Like when I go to my friends and go "Ang~!" *makes a cat face* they're like "Aww you're so cute~" so that's why I never really believe I'm cute look wise just action wise haha ^^"

Why don't I believe I'm good enough? Coz Ulzzangs are so pretty and... perfect!! Well from what I can see , they're perfect. They're like dolls! They take great photos and they can sure as hell edit them perfectly. [if you want to see a photo of an Ulzzang, my avatar is a photo of an Ulzzang ^-^]
Well that's my definition of and Ulzzang, but they real definition is, "Ulzzang (pronounced uhl-jang) translates to "best face" or "good looking" in Korean. They're usually Korean girls (sometimes Chinese or Japanese; some even being in North America), who all share similar features. Eyes being the main focus and concept of the look. They usually use lots of products to make their eyes very large, such as eyelid glue, Korean cosmetic circle lenses, eyeliner, long fake eyelashes, etc. They also usually have fair skin, a small nose and thin small lips, just like anime characters."

Now do you see why I believe this person is totally lying to me >.< I'm not like that... I'm... normal haha xD ahhhh molayo(I don't know) this is pointless. Sorry for wasting your time, and I'm sorry for this stupid ramble of nothingness >.<
June 28th, 2012 at 03:26am