Ask the single person for relationship advice...great idea.

Am I alone on this? Or is any other single people often finding themselves giving out relationship advice...or trying to at least because deep down you're going 'WTF, why are you asking these questions?

Like clearly my friends know I'm single, so I don't know why they feel need to ask me for advice on THEIR relationship knowing I've never had one, yet they insist I'm related to Miss Cleo. Really? Really?

I mean I'm not b**ching about it, well actually I am, because this isn't once in a while, I have one friend who only texts me when she needs advice, it's insulting really. I just don't get why I seem to have therapist written on my forehead because people think I can solve their problems. I don't mind most of the time, but relationships are not my expertise.

STOP ASKING ME! Is what I really want to say, I'm obviously not, nor have I been a relationship so why would I know the solution to your problem? Most importantly, why would I care? I don't know about you, I just feel like it's not my place to put my opinion in in someone else's relationship.

Blah, yet another vent. But seriously, if you're having this problem too, I'm with you man.

End rant. Here's a little dance before I go.

June 29th, 2012 at 03:58am