
So I guess this is my first ever blog and I have no idea if it's going to be inspiring or complete trash...

I'm really happy that my story Love or Fame? has done so well but there are issues in there that I think people on this site can relate to. One of those is abuse. I'm a victim of domestic violence and I know several others who have been raped, molested as a child, and beaten by their parents. This obviously is not okay but I'm not here to state what everyone already knows. What I want to say is to the people who continue to endure this and the people who, like me, are surviors. I want you to know that it's okay that you are pissed off at everything, that you feel like you mean nothing, that you want to sometimes just call it quits. All those feelings are natural and will in the end make you a more compassionate and empathetic person. The only downside is that it's not okay to let those emotions lead you into a path that you don't deserve.

Everyone has value and although you may not see it now (just as I never did) I hope that one day you can look inward and realize you are better than everything that was done to you. That you are better than the person who tortured you and that you are the only one in control of who they are going to become. Don't let the person who abuses or has abused you ruin that one thing that is your's; you. In the end, if you can grow then they lose and you have proven everything they made you feel wrong. It won't go away, trust me I know, but by continuing on with your life you eventually overwhelm the bad memories with ones that you cherish.

Anyway, if anyone needs to talk I'm all ears. Just message me and I will get back as soon as I can. I might not have all the answers but I will always try my best to help the people who need to see how truly precious they are.

June 29th, 2012 at 06:49am