Another Apology...

So some of you may have noticed that I really haven't updated anything in a while.
Reason being is simple.

I'm kinda giving up on Mibba.

I'm sorry to say this, but I've just pretty much lost my motivation for this.


I'm not gonna delete my account or my stories.
And this is is where you, my lovely readers, come in to this.

I will update my stories, but only by request.

Basically, if you want me to update a story, comment either on this blog or my profile page telling me which story you would like me to update.

Alternatively, you could comment on the story you want me to update telling me to update it.

I'm sorry about not updating sooner, but I've been busy, have had major writers block and little to no motivation.

I'd really like to get back to writing, but I will on do so if you want me to

Sending love and faery dust yer way,

Captain Barrone
June 29th, 2012 at 03:36pm