what do you think about reptiles?

ok so most of the people i know love reptiles, ok, so not 'love' but more along the lines of fascinated... hahha, but then there are people who think owning a reptile is stupid "it's a wild animal, they're not loving, and they can never truely be tamed, they eat and glare at you."
(just skip down to the bottom to get the question of you no wanna read the whole thing, you'll just be missing out on a personal opinion of mine and my expirences with my little reptiles~ ^-^ lol)

But in my opinion, i think reptiles are great, i have a little bearded dragon (ok not so little; he's about 25'' long) and i also have a little tortoise, they have the most amazing personalties! don't believe me? well haha, that's on you, Borrego (bearded dragon) is sucha sweet heart, he'll stay on your shoulder or chest and happily sit there, well that is until he gets a little bored.. he'll let you know when he.. ermm... has to use the restroom by jumping off slashing his tail and doing his buisness, luckily i've trained him to use a tray when he goes out on his little adventure (in the car lol) he's very paitent with me.. because there has been a few mishaps, where i may have left him outta his cage (he roams around the house when it's just me and him) i think he knows when he's been forgotten because he's found 2 places in our house where he can easily be spotted, the first spot, on top of my window seat, now may i just remind you this is a 1,800 sq ft house, it's massive in the eyes of a lizard so how he finds my room is beyond me. the other place he prefers, is the dog bed.. i think he might be confused on what animal he might really be... Oh! then there's my little michevious tortiose, he's still just a baby, not even a year yet, but my gawd... the personality on him, you'd be amazed, for he'll let you know when he's done 'playing', when he's hungry, and when he just wants to be held. Domokei (the tortiose) is pretty funny with his quirky traits, when he doesn't want to be held he'll release what he ate all over you, then he does this cute little chirping noise (yes apperentally they chirp 0.o) when he's done with you, he'll litteratly begin to run, but what he enjoys the most (besides eating lol) is his baths (what didn't thik you heard me right?? ) ya they need baths, since he's a juvinal, they need a bit more help with digestion when compared with the adults~

i never owned a snake, but some day i'd like to, (even though they eat baby mice >_<'''') my view isn't clear on them yet but they are very interestring to hold, and with all the reptiles i've ever owned, i believe that they can have a personality ^^

so a long topic short, i'd like to know, what is your view on reptiles?? are they gross? icky? sweet? interesting? you'd never want to own one? you've always had one? i'd love to know!!!
June 30th, 2012 at 06:20am