Titles Of My Own

Title Issue: COVER

It has been settled that the title of my book has been set by none other than myself and a very long list of titles hand written. Thank goodness for this or else I would have a great story and no amazing name that grabs the attentions of readers. Oh happy days are here again! Actually not having a title for my book drew me into a type of writers block and made me lose focus on my story. *Sigh*


I am sick of the people around me, who gave me permission to use them in my stories under different names, telling me to put them in a better lime light! I am the author and I say that I place you in the light you deserve! It's like because they are a piece of my book they have right to what goes in it. I am using certain experiences and personalities to make my fantasies a little closer to realities and trying to take that away because you aren't happy with it, is a bunch of bulls***. They did help me realize something though. They helped me realized that I lost sight of why I was writing in the first place. I am writing because it takes my mind off the craziest truths in the world and places me in my own. I am writing because I love it and it brings me great pleasure. I am writing for me and no one else.

Title Issue: CHAPTERS

I cannot for that life of mine think of how to have my chapters go. Maybe I should stick with the always there numbers or actually typing it out. Maybe I should ask someone else instead of yelling at my laptop to answer me. Maybe someone out there has an opinion for it. Anyone please help a drowning in extra stuff writer!

A Small Lady Who Needs Big Help
July 1st, 2012 at 11:00pm