The Best Drink I Ever Had...

So I drink a lot of fluids all day long and I thought I'd share some of my favorite things to drink and why I love them so much.

1st Drick of Choice!
Orange Juice :D
I personally love orange juice because it is tart and tangy. I alwas love it in the morning becuase it's healthy and a great start to the day. All of the vitamin C that it has is also beneficial for your immune system. The only downside is that becase of the acidic acid it contains it could erode the enamal of your teeth after quite sometime.

2nd Drink of Choice!
Cirtus Green Tea :D
This stuff is amazing! If you ever get the chance to get your hands on some of it then definitely try it. I'm not particularly a tea person so you don't nessecarily have to drink tea like there is no tomorrow to like it. It is super healthy with tons of antioxidents, only like 100 calories and the taste is amazing! They have differnet flavors as well which is good if you want a little variety.

3rd Drink of Choice!
Wild Berry Propel Water :D
I found this drink at my school and tried it for the first time during first period. I instantly loved it. It has the right amount of sweetness from the berry without any strong after taste that is usually pretty gross.No calories so again its healthy but it's so delicious. The thing that was rediculous at my school was that there were selling it for $1.50 but i can go to any Wal-mart and get it for 78 cents! Bulls hit!!! (yes I meant to spell it like that xD)

4th Drink of Choice!
Mountain Dew :D
Do I need to say more?!?!? This is my absolute favorite soda drink. I always want to have this but sadly I am not allowed :( Too much sugar for me is just a hyper mess. I hardly ever drink soda but when I do, I try to make sure that it is Mountain Dew.

Question of the Day!!
What is your favorite drink? Is it healthy? Sugary? Seasonal? Let me know :D
July 2nd, 2012 at 01:47am