
I have always had trouble sleeping on some level, but lately my sleep schedule has been all kinds of crazy.

It's been a long time since I have slept solidly through the night. I find it's a lot easier to sleep when the sun is up. Of course, that is conflicting with the rest of the world's plans for me. Everything always has to be done during the day. I'd so much rather do everything at night.

It's funny, because I used to function the exact opposite of how I do now. I used to live for the morning and hated staying up late. Things probably started to change whenever it was that I was introduced to the magic that is coffee.

I feel so restless lately. It has gotten to the point where I don't like staying at my house at all. I like being here to sleep, but that's about it. I cope by driving. Doesn't matter where. I just get in my car, and I drive.

I'm actually thinking of driving to Waffle House tonight. Not many other 24 hour places nearby besides Walmart. A person can only spend so much of their life in Walmart.

So, yeah. I think I'm going to go do that now. Have a good night.
July 2nd, 2012 at 05:02am