Day 5193

I've been grounded for while, that's what my punishment for suspension is. Now I get to miss out on a bunch dof things like a vacation, also due to my suspension. It was over a pretty stupid thing. I really regret it now.

I recently went bowling with SetSailLoveExpress and Life'sNoFairyTale, pretty awesome. I was finally off grounding, and I talked with SetSailLoveExpress, then we all went bowling. We also went with another friend from SetSailLoveExpress's neighborhood. I once let Gabby's(aka SetSailLoveExpress) dog take a crap on the friends lawn by accident in which ended with her making me clean it up. My mother went as a chaperone, and we came home at 1 in the morning. I can't wait until I get to go to Gabby's house n the fourth of July.

So, today's topic is not directed towards anyone in general. Sorry if anyone might take it the wrong way, but people who seem to always whine yet in reality, have a good life. I've seen people whine about everything, including myself. My recent fit, not being able to go to school with all my friends because I live in a diffrent district. After a while of sadness that turned into anger, I realized maybe I should stop whineing and stop acting like a, (sorry for all you who label your self under this stereotype), a stereotypical "emo" kid. I then stopped my whineing and shook it off. I should stop wasting my time being upset when people have it worse. When people have real problems.

We all have meet a person who "hates love because they've been crushed before". I agree there are some people who have been very unlucky and have had an abusive relationship, whether it was mental, physical, or sexually. They are the people who I would really give my time to listen to them, because they didn't deserve that, no one does. But then there is always that one person who is always the dumper and never the dump-ee, until one day one person dumps them, just like they used to. Then all crap breaks loose. "Omg! Everybody I meet breaks my heart! I hate love blah blahhh blah!" Yeah in understand that you are going to be upset that you lose him/her, but really? I don't have time to listen to your annoying bull crap, I have other things I could be doing, stop wasting my youth. Then there is that person who just because their crush doesn't like them back, they turn into one of thoose people. I seriously don't know why people like keeping themselfs down. When they have it good. "Maybe you don't even know half of it!" some may say. But I don't need to. I know a girl with a heart condition, and 9 out of 10 days, she's smiling and trying her best. I know a KID with a daughter, he happens to also be a drug addict and a drinker, but he tries his best to get clean and become a better person for that little girl. I know a person that really has had relation ship issues. In stead of whineing, she takes it out in a poetic way :) I admire those people for that.

Sure, there are some people with problems, but there are some people that don't.

By the way, I have now made it that Höhe, one of my stories is only for SetSailLoveExpress, so if anyone can teach me how to make a story private or something, please and thank you.
July 2nd, 2012 at 06:18pm