Parents and teens

Why is i that parents are allowed to control teens? Is it because they have been to school and know everything, I understand why young kids need attention, but I am perfectly capable to stay out late and talk on the phone without parents checking in on me every five seconds. I know that we need to be fed and I get that we cant live on our own yet but that still doesn't mean that they can control our every move or make our every rule. I should be fine having more than 3 friends over at a time our just chilling with a couple of friends of the opposite sex without the parents knowing, what is so horrible about us having sex or doing mild drugs that really dont screw up our whole lives ( i understand harsh drugs like meth and coke) we are human and not so different after all. They say that all they want is for us to be safe but they dont let us make those mistakes that really mess up our lives, and if we dont make those mistakes we will never be able to learn from them thus messing up our lives even more. Lessons cant just be forced into ones brain expecting them to learn from just lessons, we have to stumble upon the lesson ourselves and make mistakes along the way, that is how we really learn. If you just go and try to tell us never to drink we are more likely to get curios and drink than learn first hand what happens, I mean if you tell us how being drunk feels we are going to want to do it to see what happens and if we like it that that is our choice and nobody else's. Our rite is just as great as theirs. I hope this reaches parents everywhere so they know how some of us feel theses days, I know that all they really care about is legal issues, but I say fuck the law and the government because if it weren't for the law you wouldn't have those rebellious kids like me trying to take this shit down. All they are doing is making things worse.
July 3rd, 2012 at 03:35am