Justin Bieber's Song Maria

First off, I would like to say that I am not really a fan of Justin Bieber, but I also don't hate him. I remember buying the magazines to see what was going on with this whole Mariah Yeater thing earlier this year. And then I listened to an interview and heard the song, Maria, by him.

Personally, I don't think that he fathered Mariah's child, but I do think that he knew her. Fame was starting to get to him last year and when this whole thing happened to come up at a big time for Bieber, it seemed coincidental , but I don't believe it was. He wanted to get bigger and have more fans and to have his name everywhere. So by hiring a woman to claim that he got her pregnant would give her fame and money to raise her child, but it would also keep Justin in the news and on the front cover. He wasn't always on the cover, but after that he was.

It kind of makes sense. After the case was dropped and Bieber no longer had to take a paternity test, he still said that he would. He was going to take that test, not to prove, but to keep the story going. He was all over the news always being questioned about this. It kept him in the spotlight. And now, months after that whole ordeal, he releases a song about the whole thing.

It was an experience that he went through, but most people would want to drop it right then and there and not really want to talk about it, but he is keeping it going. Yes, I am suggesting that this whole thing was set up. I am suggesting that he found her and wanted her to do this so he could stay in the news and have a song about it, but that's just me. It all just seems a bit too coincidental and fishy to me. What do you think? Comment below <3
July 3rd, 2012 at 10:39pm