Hullo Again! 7/3/12

Well I hate to say this but I haven't been on here in ages! College has been crazy. Last semester was most defiantly the semester from Hades. Also this new layout mibba has is weird.

My life is practically perfect right now. I have fallen in love with the most amazing man. And I could not be happier. Love is odd though, you think you could not possibly love some one any more than you all ready do and then they do something utterly adorable and you find you love them more then you ever thought possible.
So moving along. If you read one of my previous posts from a year or so ago, you'll remember that I was a crazy and "stalked" a boy I thought was cute at his work. It just so happens that I am now currently dating his much cuter, older brother. God must have a sense of humor I swear! :) Just when I had gotten over mooning over boys and had decided that I was going to be fine on my own in this stage of my life I get the sweetest, most adorable geek dropped in my lap. I tried to fight it at first, but six months of college classes with this said person, it's hard to ignore someone when you see them every day. Then I was convinced that we would be just friends. He was nice to me and all but nothing would ever come of it.... Or so I thought. He asked me out and I said yes.
Two and a half glorious months later, and I could not imagine life without him.

Any way it's good to be back! I hope to post more often if my schedule allows it.
July 4th, 2012 at 05:59am