I couldn't be busier

It seems that everyone wants a part of me. First, I work five days a week at a resturaunt, where I am on the emergency list if anything goes wrong, which means that it gets busy, and I get called in a lot.

Second, I train for my grandparents on our farm. I have already trained eight animals, but four of them need to be ready to be shown at a national level, so, when I'm not working, I try to be there.

Third, I house sit for people all of the time. My mom works at a doctors office, and this time of year, they all go different places, so, I watch their animals for them.

And lastly, I really just want to hang out with my friends, but when I get a chance to, I want to just stay in, and talk about lame, so when I'm done everything else on this list, I look at my list of friend that I practically need to hang out with.

Trust me, I am not complaining that I am so busy, because I work better like this, but I really just want some me time sometimes! Which requires me to leave the town I live in, but, oh, my dear car. You have to punch the door to get the windows to work, the back door doesn't open. My dash board doesn't work, I don't have a radio, and I need to replace my muffler. I think that it's time to get a new car, but I can't find anything that I really like, and I am not going out and buying a brand new car.

Trying to start anything with a guy is literally impossible. I live in the middle of a hay field, and the only guys around here are rednecks, I tried it, and didn't like it. So for now, I stick being friends with guys, knowing that it's a lot easier than girl drama. (Like last night! Was going to go to the movies with a friend, and she ditched me for her boyfriend that she spent six hours with, and now they aren't together because she 'never felt anything for him')

So, tomorrow, I am taking the dog that I am watching to my moms friends pool, where I will sit out in the sun for four hours, before I haul my ass to work for nine hours, sleep, and hopefully, not get called in three hours early for work again.

Au revoir! xx
July 5th, 2012 at 07:59pm