6 July '12

This is my first blog entry, so I've decided to blog everyday for a whole year, I'd rather start vlogging but I'm too scared and my life isn't that insane.

it's a Friday evening.

Sports day there's not really a reason for it, it's just there, the day you're forced to join in with the whole school. My last one this year, next year I'll be on study leave, a pact was put into place today in order for us to be able to keep in touch when we depart. I don't want to say goodbye to the people I love and care about. Apart from the damaged wrist it was all in all a decent time. Fair do's chasing Adam around because he had my phone wasn't fun. Watching Bex sitting on a chair and gathering her thoughts about the break up with her and Dan wasn't fun. But no day is always amazing.

Everyone's gone out. Me? I'm sitting here, writing a blog post then start tidying away all my exam paper and notes that are no longer of use to me. I'd rather be at home than out on a Friday when everyone's out, it gets boring but I suppose it will have to do...

So yea...

Peace & Love xo.
July 6th, 2012 at 08:26pm