bare with me; I just need to rant for a minute. 7/6/12

you wish I was there with you? bullshit

If you really did wish those things then you would have texted me by now.
It’s not that I truly cared about you in the first place but this always happens.
Someone will call me beautiful and all this other bullshit and I’ll believe every little cliche thing that they say to me and if I don’t text them for a while then that’s the last that I’ll hear about them.

They make NO effort what so ever to talk to me.
It’s like I have to keep up the conversation for them to even realize that I am even alive.
Guys like that are players.
They know you for a day..not even and they say all this bullshit like
you’re special, i’m only sweet to you, you’re beautiful, you don’t need makeup your beautiful without it.
^^^The fuck?’ve only knowing me for what…5 hours…through facebook. Okay you can leave me alone now.

I’ll wait for someone else.

But will I ever be good enough for someone else? because it sure as hell doesn’t look like it where I’m at right now in my life.

Okay, I didn’t think this would be that long…but I’m done ranting. goodbye.
July 7th, 2012 at 05:36am