Growing Up.

Growing up, it’s inevitable. Unfortunately, but also fortunately. This summer has been a real eyeopener for me. I am starting to discover who I am and what I want out of life. Granted I’m still an indecisive seventeen year old, but aren’t we all? I have been taking on a bigger work load at the college this second summer semester and it feels a lot different. A good different. I like being so independent, I’ve never had that. I’ve always been controlled by my parents. Don’t get me wrong, I love my parents and I’m grateful for everything they’ve done for me, but they’ve sheltered me so much over the years it’s like I’m getting a crash course of “Real Life.”

I always thought I would live at home until I got married or whatever, but I don’t think I want that anymore. I want to be out on my own and exploring the world. I want to have a nice college experience without the leash my parents keep me on. I’m a good kid. I’m not going to go out and do drugs, get drunk and have sex all the time. I just want freedom. Is that so wrong? I don’t think so.

Also, the guy thing. My mom has been so obsessed with getting me a boyfriend ever since I turned seventeen in January. I understand that she wants me to find somebody so that I can be taken care of and she can look young in wedding pictures. I just feel like she’s pushing it too much. God has someone very special planned for me and when the time is right, He will bring us together. For now, either I’m not ready for it, my future husband isn’t ready for it, or we’re both not ready for it. She needs to take a chill pill and stop trying to control my life. Everything will fall into place at the right time.

It’s time to do some serious thinking about my future and what I plan to do. My parents need to accept that they need to stop babying me and let me be an adult. If that means making a few mistakes on the way (which I’m sure there will be many), then so be it. At least I’m finding my own way without them holding my hand and leading me half blind.
July 9th, 2012 at 04:54am