Beauty & Opinions

I was on my friend's facebook and on their news feed there was a bunch of photos of girls that were seriously tanned, blonde hair, and wearing brightly colored makeup. The caption was like if you're not fake. Ironically the girls that were commenting had flat ironed hair and were wearing make-up themselves. But really what does it matter? The girl in the photo that was called fake is dressing and making herself look how she wants, it's what makes her happy and feel beautiful is that such a bad thing? It doesn't give anyone the right to attack her just because they don't find her choice of style appealing. If a girl prefers no make up and hair up in a ponytail if it makes her feel beautiful fantastic for her. If you don't like it no one is making you look at her, close your eyes, walk the other way. Don't attack someone just because you don't approve of how they look. Everyone is beautiful in there own way and just because you don't approve of how they dress it isn't up to you, you wear what you like and want to and what you think makes you feel beautiful, because they have a different view that gives you permission to call them fake? It doesn't, keep your judgements to yourself. Everyone is beautiful in their own way and everyone has the right do dress how they want. Don't judge. My best friend Allie used to never wear make-up but everyone told her she looked like a dude, so now she wears skin tight clothing, push up bras, and tons of makeup just so that there's no doubt she's female. She hates dressing like that but she hates being mistaken for a male even more. Don't make fun of someone because you have no idea how much it will affect them. Just because you're entitled to your opinion that doesn't mean you need to voice it.
July 9th, 2012 at 07:00pm