I Wish I Had a Better Memory

I wish I had a better memory!
I can forget things seconds after I've heard them.
Which is quite problematic.

I don't even know how many times people have gone mad at me because they thought I wasn't listening or concentrating when, honestly, I was. I just forgot it right after, and end up having to ask: "Wait, what did you say?".

Probably gonna be quite a problem at my new job as well.
Just graduated and now I got a job, which is great, because it's very hard to get a job today in Denmark.
But there's so many things I have to remember.

"It's okay to ask questions in the beginning. You're new here, you have to learn!"

...I wonder how many months I'll make before I get fired.

Is there a cure for this stupid thing?
July 9th, 2012 at 11:36pm