How I Feel part 1

It's like I love my friends and I really wanna meet new people, but so many people are... not so nice. I'm insecure and shy and it's so stupid. I try so hard not to care about what other people think about me, but deep down I still care just a little. Why is that most of us care so much? I'm not talking about what your mom or people like that think about you, because that is kind of important. I'm talking about those people we barely even know. Seriously it shouldn't matter what they think, but what is it that makes it matter to us? I have no clue. Maybe it's the fact they don't know us. Maybe it's because we're concerned about how we come off toward people we don't know. I mean I guess that makes since. I don't know.

That's all I wanna write right now. This was just a random journal blog entry so I'm not expecting anyone to read. So comment if you really wanna I don't care, do whatever you want really:)
July 10th, 2012 at 05:04pm