My Dad

Ok so I just want to point out how amazingly awesome my dad is. As I said in a previous blog I have moved from little country town in Pennsylvania to wide spread out city in Arizona. My dad, being the bad ass that he is, came with me to stay for four days in Arizona just to get me all settled in. I mean, come on how cool is that? He paid almost 600 dollars just to bring me out here and come out here with me to make sure I was ok. I feel like that is such a...fatherly thing to do know what I mean? I don't even know but anyways that isn't what is really just making me so incredibly happy right now...

I talk to him everyday, I am not joking everyday for about 40 minutes to an hour. Well I have been teasing him about moving down here with me. I keep saying he has three years, which is how long I'll be in school, to find a way to move down here. Recently he said, "I don't know if I can wait that long."

Ever since I've been thinking about that. I keep thinking, does that mean he's really going to move out here for me?

Anyways, I shouldn't say I've been teasing him about moving out here because I've been serious I really want him down here with me. So I was talking to him on the phone today and I told him about how I was looking for apartments since now I'm in a schooling one but I want out and while talking he said, "Yeah, I've noticed that a lot of the apartments down there allow pets."

At first I thought he just noticed it while he was down here last month however I decided to ask, "Oh? So that means you've been looking at apartments here huh daddy?"

I meant it as teasing but he was silent for a moment before answering, "I mean I've been on craigslist...looking for jobs available down there and apartments...and stuff..."

Now I am so excited that my dad is trying to find a job down here and an apartment. I just find it touching that he's willing to leave the job he's had for 20 years and his home that he's had for 18 and the rest of our family just to be with his daughter. It just makes my insides tingle and I just love him so much that words cannot even explain. He seriously is the best and I miss him so much that it's crazy and just...I can't wait.

I really, really, really want him to find some way to be here with me. It's selfish, I know that but I still want him here.

Yeah, just needed to say all that because I can't keep still right now. I'm too excited.
July 12th, 2012 at 01:21am