Grrr!!!!! Okay, who watches Glee?? It's very popular, so I'm guessing a few people. I'm obsessed. Flat out, it's my life. I've never missed an episode being aired (maybe one time, but play practice ran a little late. I stayed up til midnight to watch it). But that doesn't mean it's GOOD. It's so bad! Season 1 was fantastic! I didn't watch the first half, but I bought the DVD's and caught up after Sectionals. I loved it, flat out, LOVED IT. Season 2 was not all fantastic. I don't like tribute episodes and come on people, 'Grilled Cheesus'. Really?? Make a plot people!! But something beautiful came out of it. My all time favorite character, Kurt Hummel, got a supermegafoxyawesomehot boyfriend, Blaine Anderson. Every scene with them together made me happy (even if Blaine is as blind as a fruit bat and took so much time to ask Kurt out... Which, technically, he didn't). But when they kissed I screamed. No joke, 100% SCREAMED OUT LOUD "FINALLY!!!!!!" I was so happy my boy finally had a boyfriend. And then they admitted their love for each other. That got me so excited for season 3.
And season 3 got me royally pissed. The second scene with them together, Blaine transfered to McKinley for Kurt, how sweet!! ... No kiss. And they wouldn't kiss until 'The First Time' where I felt they were overshadowed by the ^&#*%$#&&%$ FINCHEL!!!!!! I F*CKING HATE FINCHEL!!!!!! D:<
(I had to get that out, but I mean it. I want them both to leave. Maybe die, but I digress)
And all those times when there should be a perfect, sweet romantic little kiss, there wasn't. Prom, nothing. In Emma's office, nothing. In the classroom, nothing. AFTER NATIONALS THERE WAS NO KISS!!!!! That sent me over the edge. There was a kissing montage of all of the couples, Finchel, Tike, Brittana, Wemma, even Joe and Quinn and they aren't even a couple!! But. No. Klaine.
My boy is being lowered to nothing and his relationship with Blaine is just one example. Plus, I want Blaine to stand on his own. I want him to be a character outside Kurt Hummel's boyfriend. Darren as an actor deserves it.
*sigh* I feel better getting this off my chest. I feel good. And through all this, I'll probably still watch season 4. Damn you Ryan Murphy!! Let out your anger and pent up sexual frustration for Glee in a comment. Maybe you'll make me smile, knowing I'm not just taking this TV show way too seriously. :)
July 12th, 2012 at 05:21am