Grow Up and Be a Man.

Today I was walking downtown, heading to the comic book store I work at. As I was waiting at a cross walk I saw a very tall man standing on the other side waiting to go left, I was going right. When I saw him I felt like the world froze, everything went numb, and I felt panicky. I knew he exactly who he was, I said his name in disbelief. He looked down at me and asked the most painful thing I have ever heard, "Do I know you?" It took everything in me to say,"If you have to ask, then it doesn't matter." Just like a movie the sign across the street from me turned from the red hand to the white walk sign. I quickly made my way across, watching him out of the corner of my eye. He had a confused look on his face but then shrugged it off and went along his merry little way.
What man, what father, doesn't know his own son when he sees him. The answer, not a man or a father at all, a pathetic little drunk boy that cares more about drugs, women, and alcohol than he does his own "family". He's 39, it's time for him to grow up, get some help, and learn how to be a man and a father. But it's to late, he's screwed up. It hurts so much and it makes me so furious but I know my life is better off without him. Don't let your kid ever feel this way, don't walk out on your family. If you are "man" enough to create them, be man enough to stick around, help out, and learn to take responsibility for you actions. Don't waste your life on drugs and alcohol. Be somebody, do something great with your life. Don't be my father.
July 13th, 2012 at 09:17pm