Safe Haven

A place where you can be who you are and not have to worry about being judged.

If this is something you are looking for then "Safe Haven." Is for you. Link below!/groups/202495496528029/

Safe haven is a group where members can post and chat, they may talk about their feelings, beliefs, anything, and not have to worry about other members judging them. Every Member of safe haven is looking for the same thing. A place to vent, show talents, speak their minds, and not be beat down or bullied for it. No negativity towards other members or groups is allowed. as long as you can keep that in mind, you will be welcomed with open arms and listening ears.

Safe haven also hold art events, writing events, weekly or bi-weekly discussions on many topics and has a place where if you ask a mod, you can have your problem posted Anonymously for people to message on and offer you help. The Admins (mods) are all wonderful people and are there if any trouble is found or a shoulder is needed. Safe Haven is the perfect place for anyone feeling lost, or found, sad or happy, lonely or free, or anything inbetween.

Safe Haven welcomes all new members, all you need to do is click the join button. All new members will be accepted. There is no waiting, there is no need to message asking to be accepted. You are allowed to join no matter who you are or what you do. As long as you follow the very short list of things Not to do (being rude to other members/groups/etc) then you will be a member until you decide to leave of your own free will.

Please feel free to join Safe Haven. The goal of the group is to help people out or atleast provide a place where they can be safe from the outside world. A place where you can be who you want to be, without being judged, hated, bullied, talked down to, etc.

Safe Haven's bio:


This group is for people of all ages to talk about many things without the worry of being judged, critisized, made fun of, bashed, hated, etc.

Anyone and everyone will be accepted into the group and will remain in the group until he/she proves otherwise. ~Please feel free to add your friends to the group.~

1) If you are posting about someone who bothered/hurt/annoyed/etc, you. Do NOT mention their names. We don't need a bunch of members harrasing other people. (If you are found doing this your post will be removed. You may also be kicked out of the group for up to 3 days depedning on the context of the post.)

2) No judging/hurting/talking down to/bashing/hating other members. This is a non-judgmental group. (If you are found doing this, you will be removed from the group, you may come back, but will not be accepted back in for atleast 7 days. If the problem persists you will be removed permanently, unless you can come up with a way to convince all the admins to agree on letting you back in.)

3) If you are going to give advice to other members be aware that killing/harming oneself is not advice. (If you suggest these to any other member you will be removed from the group permanently.)

4) No member may speak in a racist manner.
No Member may bash another members religion/sexuality/tastes/ideals/thoughts/looks/etc.
(If any member is found doing this, they will be removed from the group permanently, unless you can come up with a way to convince all the admins to agree on letting you back in.)

5) No member may tell another member that they or their thoughts, do not matter. (If a member is found doing this, you will be removed from the group for up to 3 days.)
July 14th, 2012 at 07:36am