Grounded for Stupid Crap

If you wanted to know the full story about what happened last night . = /

Last night I was babysitting my 2 nieces from around 3:40pm-7:00pm , and the 11 month old was down for a nap while the 4 year old was outside with my mom , playing . So I decided I was going to have a little bit of leftovers from dinner the night before and some ice cream . While I was eating my ice cream , Rowynn comes in and sits down and starts to watch TV , then notices I'm eating ice cream . She asked for some of it , and I told her , "No, not until after dinner, if you're good" . So she asks 3-4 more times , whining and crying when I say no , and then she says , "I'm going to go ask someone else !" and I said , "if you do that , you're going to get your butt smacked" .

She goes and asks my mom anyway [which I didn't spank her for] , and then my mom comes in and gives her ice cream anyway . So I sit there and tell my mom , while she's dishing it up , "I told her no , mom" in a nice tone , and she says [something along the lines of] , "how dare you eat ice cream in front of a little kind and not give her any" . I told her what I told Rowynn ["maybe after dinner"] , but she still gives her the ice cream . At this point I'm really really irritated , especially because Rowynn comes over to the babygate and says "na-na-na-nanana" and is being a brat . So I get up and put my dishes in the sink and tell her , "I'm the one babysitting . I told her no," and she said "Too bad" or something. So I said , "I'm done . I'm calling April [my sister]" because she was pretty much yelling at me for nothing . So I go out into our backyard with the phone and wait a few minutes , then right when I start calling her , my mom comes out and says "If you keep this up you're going to get grounded" , and I said , "For WHAT ? Calling my sister and telling her you're raising her kid to be a spoiled brat ?" and she said "Yes , even calling her" or something .

But I told my sister what happened as soon as she got home , so I don't know if I'm grounded or not yet , because I haven't seen my mom all day . I ended up crying a little last night because I don't think it's fair for her to ground me when I was doing the right thing in the first place . . . not to mention she did the same thing to my sister when I was younger , and my sister tried to explain that to her last night .
July 14th, 2012 at 08:10am