Phantom of the Opera Feels. 2004 Version Though...

So... More sharing about what's been going on with my life...

Um. So... I don't know why, but I feel embarrassed about the fact that I am totally obsessed with the 2004 movie version of the Phantom of the Opera.

I have seen the movie from start to finish a mere 30 times. I have all the songs downloaded on my iPod. I am proud to say that I can even play the opening tune on my keyboard.

I can't really remember the last time I was totally obsessed with something... But I am now, and I've been losing so much sleep from reading so many fanfiction stories. And I've been having trouble seeing from staring at my computer screen all the time just reading all these wonderful adaptations on the story...

I can't help it though. The story of the Phantom of the Opera is just so wonderful! The movie captured Erik's emotions so well; Gerard Butler did such a fantastic job! Gerry's performance of Erik was just so beautiful! All of the emotions Erik was feeling came through so clearly and they just totally blew me away... Oh man, such beautiful, heart-breaking feels... It's truly such a sad story, but I love it so so much!

Did you know Gerry had to wear butt pads for the Don Juan Triumphant scene? I don't understand why Joel had him do it; Gerry has such a great ass. Oh my goodness!!! Gerry is really hot, and actually a great singer. That's the only thing I probably don't like about the movie...
Erik is supposed to be hideous! I mean, yes. Erik is a musical genius in all versions. And they did do a pretty good job with his deformity prosthetic. But even with that droopy eye and inflamed skin, they still managed to make the Phantom totally delectable. Erik is such a beautiful person though, like personality wise I guess. It is kind of- no really strange that he's totally stalking and obsessing over Christine, but I understand where he's coming from. He's lonely and it seems to him that sweet Christine was his only option. The whole thing where he pretended to be her "Angel of Music" was just so freaking creepy though, it made me laugh... Other that that though! Erik's story and actions are just amazing. So amazing... :)

I am sorry you are reading this. I am half asleep and I have so many feels for the Phantom of the Opera. So many feels... And I am so embarrassed that I have feels for the man who played the Phantom... But SHUSH! I am so sorry, man. It's just- so much frustration and exhaustion!

I hope you didn't read this. I can barely type right now. I am really embarrassed... Oh man.
July 14th, 2012 at 11:14am