Challenge: Yet to be Accepted...And lots and lots of paint.

Alrighty, so I reeeeeally want to get into a contest or challenge or whatever, in the hopes that I can actually get inspired and write something for once. Of course, in order to do so, I'd have to actually FIND one. And since I'm having a few issues in that area, I'm asking y'all (more like begging) to maybe sort of possibly hint to me some really good ones to take a look at. I'm not picky about the type to be honest, anything will do. Although, nothing anime based cause, much as I love a lot of anime, I'm still entirely clueless when it comes down to all the popular ones. And think of it this way: what better way to get your own contests or challenges out than advertising them on someone's comments? So, yeah, thanks in advance.

To go on to an entirely different subject altogether, I've been working like mad for the past month and a half. I've been cleaning, packing, painting, staining cupboards and doorways, putting caulking on the bathtub like a pro, painting, putting things into storage, getting a job, painting, driving all over the place, talking to a realtor (ugh I can't even remember how to spell that) and lawyer. And did I mention painting? All of this is in hopes of getting my, now deceased, grandfather's house upon the market and ready to sell because my aunts and uncles are money hungry jerks who can't help with any of the work. Seriously. They haven't lifted a finger. One uncle bought wood stain for me, that was it. But it was the wrong color anyways, so it didn't even matter. I had to go back and exchange it. Pain. In. The. Rear.

Though I had a bit of help with the painting. My mom's best friend's son, who is honestly more like a little brother to me most of the time, and one of his friend's mothers, who happens to be a professional painter. Yeah. First bedroom I painted all by my onesie. Second was the master bedroom, had the son's help. What a fiasco that was. Painted it. Ran out of that paint can, used another one of the same color, however it was semi-gloss and not flat so it was totally different. Go out and buy another one, flat this time. Dries more gray than the first. Paint the rest of the room over again to make it match. Finally done. Spare room needed major scraping cause it was chipping all over the dang walls and ceiling. Not too much trouble once we had three people working at once. Painted it. Now I have to go back and do touch ups on the ceiling cause a bunch of spots got missed and another spot needs to be scraped more and then repainted. And I still have yet to vacuum up all the paint chips from the floor. Did I mention this is a FOUR bedroom house? Yeah, fourth bedroom isn't so bad, but it still needs a little scraping and touch up painting. There's no way in Hades that I'm gonna paint the entire room. I'm so sick of looking at paintbrushes it's ridiculous. But anyway, rant over.
July 14th, 2012 at 06:38pm