Feeling a little insecure :/

I get this was all the time. One minute I am okay with how I look then the next my dad decides to be a douche and tell me he is surprised a shirt I bought last year still fits. I knew I shouldn't have decided to try and live with him this summer. During this whole summer he has been saying little things about my weight that I know I shouldn't listen to but I just can't help it. I guess he doesn't realize the things he says to me actually hurts, but even if I tried to tell him that it wouldn't stop him. The bad part is that he is over three hundred pounds and I am maybe 160.

I just saw a picture on tumblr that says you should never call a girl fat even once cause it will stick with her for the rest of her life along with all the other insecurities. Example: I just had some roman noodles and I couldn't get more then 5 bites in before I gave it to my dad.

This summer my eating habits have changed.. I mean I still eat but not as much as I did before. And I have been downing popsicles whenever I can to get the hunger to go away. I hate it.

I have 22 days till I can leave my dads house, go to college and finally start the process to make myself like my body.
July 14th, 2012 at 09:10pm