Frankly, I'm sick and tired of everything

Ohay mibba. It's summer, but this summer sucks for me because i'm always working. Like six days a week. I have one day off and that's it. I use that day to sleep aha. As a result of always working, I'm sore. I'm so sore that I feel my body may break if I don't be careful. I've been getting massages from a friend, but I haven't been talking to him, so no massages tonight ):

On another note, I'm tired of everything. My friends, or atleast I thought they were, are just plain idiots and I don't know why I didn't see it before. I try and make plans to try and do something with them on my days off because I'm so busy otherwise. And they just blow me off. It's bullshit. All they want to do is get high and whatever.

I don't care about it, honestly. But don't blow me off. If you tell me you're coming over, don't wait god damn ten hours to tell me you can't come. My day's a whole waste waiting for you then. -.- I'm supposedly really good at being forgotten.

I have no love life. I'm tired of that too. I have a bit of it... I think. I'm happy with the way it is now, so I really can't complain. I have no time for anything. I feel like a college student. My room's a mess, there are dishes everywhereee.

And I was rolling my tips the other night so i have about three hundred in coins just strewn across my carpet. I am gonna go rest. I just moved my arm and my elbow cracked.

I'm turning into an old lady.
July 15th, 2012 at 05:07am