Starting Fresh.

I'm trying to get back in the habit of being on mibba after its changes, lately I haven't been feeling like learning my way around a place I used to be so familiar with.

Anyways, I'm starting fresh by deleting all my old journals and starting with a blog. Can't be that hard to do, seeing how I'm on tumblr most of the time. With that said, I'm hoping a lot of my old friends are still on here. If you are, drop a comment or something to say hello! I'm hoping you all are well, I've actually missed you all so much during my patchy absence.

My life has been kind of hectic as of late. I moved out of residence at the end of second year and my roommate and I just recently got an apartment for September. We are in the heart of Ottawa, I'm kind of excited.
Just as well, I FINALLY got a summer job. I've been having issues getting one in my small town for years. I got hired a little late in the summer, June first to be exact, but it's given me the opportunity to get some money saved up for school. I work at a Tim Hortons, which isn't as fun as you think it'd be. I'm surprised at how rude the customers are when you make an honest mistake and how they seem to think you have a very low I.Q. just because of the job you have.

So this summer has been filled with its ups and downs. How about everyone else? xx
July 15th, 2012 at 08:31pm