I'm in a very self destructive mood..

I don't trust myself. Since summer started I haven't seen any of my friends. After work, my best friend texted me and asked if i wanted to go for a walk or whatever. I said sure. with her, came one of our mutual friends, a guy i've had feelings for for a while. I don't think I still do, but he is important to me in a sense. They didn't stay long. It was fine, because i was tired too.

i get home. I go on facebook, and i see all these pictures of them kissing... and so I text her. Asked if she was dating him. She said yes. I told her that she could have atleast told me. She said they just started dating today.. and she was going to tell me but he came with her to see me.

what the fruck. Just.. honestly. I hate being kept out of the loop. it makes me mad and feel not important. Needless to say, my night is definitely ruined. :/
July 16th, 2012 at 06:15am