Day 6 - A day late!

Yesterday was super crazy so I didn't get a chance to write :/ But I did today, so yay!

If you don't know, I'm doing a 30 day writing adventure! (That's what I'm calling it to spice it up a little more!)
Today, which was supposed to be Day 7, was Day 6. I got some more of my intro section done, not too much, but some. Hopefully it will be fleshed out tomorrow!

With college coming up and family stuff going on, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed! I just feel like there's so much to do! But, it'll be okay! I can get this stuff done!

My room is suffering from my seeming lack of time. That will *hopefully* change tomorrow. *Sigh* I have such high hopes for tomorrow! "Stay productive" will be my theme!

Well, nothing interesting is really going on in my life right now, so I cannot regale y'all on stories of great adventure and passion! But if enough of you want, I may tell you all about the end of my senior year when I finally liked a guy who liked me back. But then... well, I don't want to ruin the story! Mwah haha! I will only tell it if enough people demand to hear it! (Which is unlikely, so if even one of you wants me to tell it, I probably will :P )

I probably sound like a crazy person right now! I'm a little bit sleep deprived! Two toddlers+sleepover at my house=2 hours of sleep! aye aye aye!

So yeah! Questions? Comments? Concerns? Just ask!

July 16th, 2012 at 06:30am