Time to go into kick ass mode

So once I got home from my adventure this morning I finally found a free version of Microsoft Word I could use so I moved over my two chapters so far and fixed up this issue for me.

I woke up around 8pm and watched some show that I already forgot, ate a bit, then started writing. I was working away at my third chapter till the Pierce The Veil UStream started, WHICH OF COURSE I HAD TO WATCH. I died when Tony lifted up his shirt, a lot of fan girl screaming was coming out of my mouth, I was smiling and laughing like an idiot the entire time I watched the boys. I'm thrilled Collide With The Sky is finally out! I'm getting it on iTunes in the morning because I have no patience for Florida drivers so driving out to get it is a no no right now.

Well now i'm back to working on the story. I'm putting out two more chapters since the difficulties held me up.

Fingers crossed these go well.

~Entry #7
July 17th, 2012 at 07:02am