Blog 8; New Mibba. Little Siblings.

I. Do. Not. Understand. This.

Mibba edited one of my blogs for "bashing" when all I did was say how people who judge bands sicken me.

Apparently that was bashing.

I do not understand. -__- Not one tiny bit. Someone care to explain?!
My little twerp. What I would do without him. (: My little brother is 13. 2 1/2 years younger than me. He's smarter than me. Taller than me. But he's smellier than me. Haha. That's a plus.
My little brother can make my day. He'll listen to me rant about bands, boys, and yes..girl problems. Who wouldn't want a little sibling like that?
And when I have a problem and can't get to it..I'll ask him and(he'll put up a fight) but he'll go and do it for me.
Psssh. And people say little siblings suck. My little sibling is my rock in tough times. My "go to" for fun. My room is haunted and he let's me lay in his room(I got spider bites from it though). He hates everyone who has ever hurt me. (: SO CUTE.
I love this kid. <3
July 17th, 2012 at 09:08am