Dream Journal #2

Remembered a dream again last night. This one wasn't as long or interesting as the one last night. Going to try to jot it down really quickly 'cause I have to get in the shower.

My mother, my cousin, and I were alone in the house of some friend of my cousin's with my cousin's son and older daughter. (Who knows where my subconscious put her younger daughter.) They're five and three respectively IRL, which seems to be how old they were in the dream. All of us went over to another house for a playdate for the kids. There was a lot of awkward small talk. We all went upstairs to the bedroom of one of kids who lived there where all of them were sitting in a wide circle playing. Then my cousin's son threw up. It was cleaned up very quickly. At the time in the dream I didn't think it was very important; he wasn't sick somehow.

Later, we were back at the original house and I was sitting at a table next to my cousin. The two kids came in with their dad (I had this idea he was unbuckling them from their car seats), and the daughter came in first and announced that her brother wanted to go home. We were all going "Ohhh why?" – we were supposed to stay until the kids fell asleep or something – and he ran over to his mother and started sobbing into her lap saying he was so embarrassed to have thrown up. I sat there trying to think of the correct thing to say to comfort him but never said anything. His mom rubbed his back and soothed him and then he was okay, and then something happened with a white board and then I woke up.

Not a super interesting dream, but I think it's the first time I've had a dream I remembered featuring my cousin and her family even though they only live a few towns over so we see them a lot. Anyway, more social awkwardness in this dream because even my subconscious is aware of how bad I am at talking, EL OH EL. Now I'm a wee bit late but it's fine 'cause I always give myself lots of time in the morning. There are probably ten thousand typos in this. Typing with abandon immediately after waking does not yield great results in terms of grammar / spelling, let me tell you. Or really in terms of writing in general but maybe that's just for me. Okay bye~.
July 17th, 2012 at 02:05pm