Tom DeLonge

Tom did leave blink causing them to split, and you know he didnt just split blink up, he did it like a complete twat and ruined two great friendships okay, we know that.

Tom wouldn’t have done that if Mark and Travis didn't make him feel so fucking bad. Imagine how angry and hurt you would have to be to be so awful to people, imagine how Tom felt. So yeah Mark and Travis aren't all innocent just because tom wanted to go to BCR and make different music so he wouldnt taint blink (and everyone still complains that he tainted blink with "Selftitled") so he actually did the right thing with BCR. Then Mark got jealous and for some reason Travis ended up on Mark's side and that's when shit hit the fan.
They split up AvA, Tom's painkiller addiction and +44 all happened. At first they all were dicks and stuff but after a while Tom was like “I still love them and I'm sorry” and Mark and Trav were all “fuck you” so that was them being dicks.

Then the plane crash happened and Tom was there for travis straight away, he invited him back into his life without even thinking. The whole “this is who WE were this is who i am now” if Tom was really a cunt he would have been like “well fuck him” or he could have been like “I hope he gets better but its not my problem” but he didn't.

Then blink got back together and people were like “Tom's only in it for the money”, “Tom doesn't actually want to be in blink” and whatever fucking retarded things people said. Well Tom is loaded like the money he made from blink alone would be enough to live comfortably, but he has 2 other bands, not to mention his businesses! I'm sure if Tom didnt want to be in blink he wouldnt be there. But, if Tom didn't want to be in blink no one could blame him considering half the fan base is fucking awful to him all the time.

Then "Neighborhoods" took ages and they had to cancel the tour, everyone was like “THIS IS TOM'S FAULT!” Yeah, Tom was working on another album, but Tom always said “blink comes first”, and I think he would have been working on both. I mean Mark had his TV show and no one was mad at him, Travis had his solo album and no one was mad at him, so complete double standards really. Also, Tom did have cancer and I don't know for sure if it did interrupt any of the studio time or anything, but I'm guessing that it probably did. It would have interrupted AvA’s as well so. Another thing is, with blink, all three of them take control of the music they make. In AvA Tom does almost all of the work, so it would have been easier finishing AvA's album himself, than waiting for other people to change bits or add bits or write lyrics or whatever for "Neighborhoods".

Then neighborhoods actually came out and everyone was mad at Tom because “it sounds like shitty alien noise”, “Tom's voice is auto tuned”, “Tom made this another AvA album”... um no. Tom doesn't control blink, if Mark and Travis didn't like the music on the album I know, you know and everyone knows there is NO WAY that album would have been released. Yes, Tom's voice is auto tuned but it is no secret that his skills in that area are lacking of late, and Mark's voice has affects as well.

To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if Tom came out and said “I don't want to make music in blink any more because of the fans”. I would be fucking sad like hell, but I wouldnt be mad because everything he does is never fucking good enough. He gets the fucking blame all the time, you cant blame HIM because YOU don't like "Neighborhoods". Half of the fan base fucking blame him for world hunger at times! So who could actually blame him for not wanting to make music for absolute ungrateful shits? People are obviously never going to agree or like anything he does so if he did give up I would 10000000000000000% understand and still love him.

So basically, blink haven't sold out or changed because of Tom. They've matured their sound because songs about fucking dog's are not good enough any more. Stop complaining, if you like "Dude Ranch", go listen to "Dude Ranch", if you like "Neighborhoods", go listen to "Neighborhoods".
July 17th, 2012 at 09:17pm