Hello again!

Soo, this website has a blog moderator, didnt know that a little warning might hav been nice be eh, is ok :) No harm done just telling me the rules so alls good :). I have learned ALOT about cars this week o.o my boyfreinds been going on about them i love him but too much learning for it being summer but alls good here anyway, other than me wanting to kill one of his freinds. This girl..ugh she FLIRTS with him, i mean blantantly infront of me and he doesnt see it, he calls her his twin because like oh my goooood their sooooooo much alike *obnoxious girly voice with flailing arms*-.-+ im sorry im ranting but oh my god really, how does he not see it? ANNNNYYYYWWWWAAAYYY before i start plotting her death again (not seriously but it sounds kind of nice..no no killing bad *smacks wrist* bad!) I dont know if i can reach 200 word with out rambling but i'll try! and please forgive the spelling errors, im updating this usually at like 12o'clock or one in the morning only time i can hav the chargere for my computore so i apoligize for that :( hope i dont loose too many of you kind people to spelling (*little voice* yeees flattery gets them everytime *me* shut up voice! no one like you! *voice* awwwwwwwwww)
July 18th, 2012 at 09:20am