Being A Leader

So just for a little backround info, I'm not typically the type of person who enjoys taking charge. I'd rather let other people handle that. I'm a nice person and all but I have a hard time explaining things therfore I like to save people the trouble of having to hear me rant and stumble on directions.
Today however, was a different story. Today was what we call "rookie camp" for marching band. NOw this is when all incoming Freshman and squad leaders come in to just learn basic moves and what not. The seniors (and select juniors depending on squad and number of Seniors) have to collect the freshman of their squad and teach them.
I'm a flute player. We have a ton of Seniors this year. Me and 4 other people compared to last year when we only had one. We onyl got 2 incoming freshman today. What happened was we started working with them as just a flute squad with the underclassmen doing the steps and the seniors doing the commands. Well that was a bust so then we went with the clarinets. That also was a bust. What ended up happening was three freshman came over (because we split) and me and 3 other seniors plus 2 underclassmen were on our own.
NOw this is when I took charge. The reason why things weren't working in a large group is becasue a lot of the seniors are just worried about the new people being loud. We want them to be heard and whatnot. That was just annoying to me. Being loud isn't going to teach them the things they need to know. Now my best friend is a flute and a senior with me but again she was just worried about tem being lous and really small things of that nature. So I took charge. I wanted them to learn stuff and we needed to get things done. After I took charge, it was only a matter of minutes before it was only me and one other person (a sophmore) were left besides the four people it takes to make a squad.
I felt really good doing this. THings had to be done and I made sure they got done. We worked quite well and if one of them had a question or needed to do it again I made sure to help them out. I'm really pleased with myself. I wans't mean at all I was incouraging and helpful and I think the freshmen I worked with really liked me. I was crackin jokes here and there not to mention just being awesome me lol.
I guess the point of this blog is just to share with anyone who reads this my sense of accomplishment. It's a small step but one that needed to be taken. There is nothing wrong with staying in the shadows a bit and letting others take charge if you're not that type of person, but if you have something to say make sure you say it loud and clear. Don't be a jerk or mean or have this attitude. You don't want to make people hate you or think you're mean. Stay level headed and clam and things will get done.

Question of the Day
Are you a leader? Do you like to take control or are you more of a quite person in that respect? let me know :)
July 18th, 2012 at 06:54pm