I really would like to get back into writing.

In the past three years, I have launched a total of three stories. One of which made it to a staggering four chapters, and the other two didn't survive past the introductions.

I miss back when I had several stories all at once, the chapters getting up into the teens and twenties.

So, I'm going to write something.

There. I said.

I'm writing.

I've made my decision.

I'm using Mumford & Sons and possibly The Silent Comedy as inspiration.

I'll start small. Not one-shot kind of small. More like a sort of novella, no more than maybe ten or fifteen chapters.

I suppose it'll be a sort of songfic, at first. I'll piggyback on the music until I can branch off with some differing twists.

Sometimes, it feels sort of cheap to title a story with song lyrics and mold the plot out of the meaning of the given song.

But, then I remember that Steinbeck totally did that with Of Mice and Men. Except with a poem.

And then I don't feel so cheap, anymore.

So, yeah, just wanted to announce that.

I'll give more info, later, when I find a particular song which sparks something or other.
July 18th, 2012 at 07:02pm