So there was this guy... Part 2

To summarize my earlier post ( )

There was this foreign exchange student last year, we'll call him C. I didn't talk to him much except when he teased and flirted with me to get on my nerves. In March, we ended up going on the same volunteer trip together where we actually had conversations and I realized that we had a lot in common; and I started to like him.

To resume my story:

When we got back from the trip, it was Spring Break. C. asked me for my phone number and we ended up talking every day. As we talked, we found more and more things we had in common! I liked him more as we talked and with prom around the corner, I began hoping he'd ask me!

Spring break ended and we started back to school. All the guys started asking the girls to prom, but I wasn't asked yet. A few days after school started up again, C. and I decided that we would go to lunch together the next day! That next morning, I received a rose and a letter, from C., and I opened it in my first period class. He asked me to prom! I, of course, said yes, and that day was the first of many lunches to come! We chose a restaurant that, unfortunately, a lot of our classmates went to as well. That day we received the first of many of the 'looks' from others.

So, we planned on going to prom together, we talked nearly every day, things are good. Right? Wrong! I was painfully aware of the fact that right after graduation, only a few months down the road at that time, C. would be going back to Europe, not returning to the States until college, and when he did he wouldn't come back here!

After many conversations with my best friend, where I vented my frustration that I didn't know what was going to happen with me and C., I decided to talk to him. And after a long conversation, we decided that it would be best if we were just friends. Did I want to be just friends? No, but I knew that if we became more, it would hurt so much more when he left after graduation.

So, we did our thing. We acted the same as we had been, talking all the time, going to lunch once a week, going to dance lessons (our school puts on dance lessons the month before prom, and they are so much fun!)

I'm fairly sure everyone at school saw us as a couple. I mean, we practically were, except we called ourselves friends and the only physical contact we had was when we danced. But we talked all the time. He became one of the people I was closest to. He regularly made fun of me, picked on me, and pointed out my weird habits, but he was so easy to be around.

Prom was a blast, we had so much fun with our friends! It was definitely a 'coupley' time, but we still acted normal. Even after prom, when all the couple stuff was over, nothing really changed.

I began doubting my resolution to stay 'just friends' as the time drew closer for him to leave.

But that'll have to wait for another day! Gotta run! (Mwah haha!)

July 18th, 2012 at 11:31pm