An Apealing Face

The most important for a good looking face, is a pleasant smile. Even if it's no actual part of make-up, still put it on first, it makes it easier to apply the make-up.

Tradition has it, starting with the foundation, which is still where we start. Starting from the hair-line, working your way down, not to miss the eyes, or the nose. Also make sure not to leave any border along the edge of the face, which makes it all look like a mask, not what we're looking for. For the same reason, make sure the colour is as close to your original skin-tone as possible.

Once the foundation is finally applied, you move on to the lip-liner, drawing a line along the border of your lips. This makes it easier to get the colour where you desire it to be. This should be a colour very close to the intended colour of your lips. Covering your lips with a clear layer, just like a regular foundation with a mate transparent lip stick, before adding the actual lip-stick, painted on, with a small but soft brush. Start with following the line, just inside of the border, all the way around, and continue till you've painted your lips entirely. Now you brush from the inside and out, following the natural structure of your lips. Completing the work with a lip-gloss to seal the colour in place, so it pay to have a gloss that's not just shiny, but is more resistant then your lip-stick.

Pick the eye-liner, draw the inner border along your eye-lashes. In this case a black, or dark would work well, emphasising your eyes more. You can pick a white liner closer to the eyes, on the other side of your lashes, and repeat the process. Use a light to transparent liner and draw a line along the eye-globes. Now it is time to have a light pink, preferably semi-transparent shadow over your eyes, as well as on the lower lids. Brushing it along the eye-lids, continue all the way up and down, till you've covered the skin around your eyes, from the eye-lashes to the eye-brows. This is when you choose a colour that accentuate your eyes on your upper eye-lids, applying it, just like with the original pink shadows. Finish the shadows, buy applying a final layer of the semi-transparent pink over the line, between your eye-globes and your eye-lids.

Paint your eye-lashes from the inside, all the way out to the tips, curling them slightly as you go, for the effect, repeate the process with the lower lashes.

That should give you something to smile at?
July 19th, 2012 at 06:59am