The MCR Wives Club

It's no secret I love everything about My Chemical Romance (and the guys that make up the band). I have spent more than enough of my time and energy on all of my forums over the many years letting everyone know how I feel in explicit detail. In short...

The band as a whole has taught me to be myself, accepting of who I am even if I am a little different. (Okay, I'm a lot different!) I have learned that dark things can be beautiful and that it's okay to think for myself. I know because of the band that it's important to have dark periods in my life, but it's just as important to find a way back out of them. I know that "being me" is okay, even if someone else disapproves.

Gerard is my fucking GOD! (Yes, I know he's only human and not perfect, but still...) If he told me to peel off my own skin, set myself on fire, and then run like a maniac naked through town to jump off the first tall bridge I came to, I'd ask him exactly what I should use to peel off my skin, which accelerant to use to start the fire, and exactly which city he wanted me to run through. And then I'd follow his instructions to the letter. (Thank Gee he discourages self-harm! That sounds REALLY painful, and slightly fatal, to me!) (And yes, I don't thank "god"; Gerard is my god, so I thank "Gee".)

Frank is... well, my Frankie. I have obsessed over Frank (not in a sexual way) for as long as I can remember being into the band. I want to have his attitude about life. And oh Gee, his tattoos (and the fact they all have a story) and once-upon-a-time piercings, I want to do that to my own self (if my husband wouldn't trip the light fantastic the second I came home with them)!! And as stupid as it sounds, I feel somehow connected to him since we are only a couple of months apart in age.

Mikey just kills me. He's the only person I know that can be invisible and the only person you can see in the room at the same time! He seems to speak so rarely in public (I have no idea how he is in general, as I'm not privy to their private lives.) that when he says something, you make damn sure you heard it because you just KNOW it was important! No matter what it is, it's important! I agree with what the other guys have said about Mikey: he just seems like everyone's kid brother, even though he's older than me. (Yeah, I know they were talking about within the band.)

Ray makes me straight out jealous! I wish I had the talent he has in just his little finger when he's on the guitar! To me, he seems to be the most down to earth one of the bunch, too. He just seems to always be so level headed, something I can't be on my best day! I'm too emotional, and I think with my emotions. So I need some of Ray's calmness.

Okay, so maybe that was actually kind of long. But still... this isn't about them. I've written TONS about them in the past. So what is this about?

This is about appreciating their wives!

As each couple married, there would be little hate parties started for the new bride on some forums, as ridiculous as that is. Fangirls would rant about all their imagined problems with these woman. I call it nothing but stupidity, really. Most of that has finally settled down now, and I am forever hearing people say how lucky the wives are. Yes, I agree. They are lucky, in ways.

But what about the other side of that coin? I think it's more the other way around. I think the guys are lucky to have their wives! I can't imagine my husband being a rock star. It has to be difficult sometimes. I mean, being home alone while the guys are out touring, knowing there are literally thousands of women (and some men) fawning over your husband. And some of these people are young teenagers that shouldn't even know of some of the things they say (which would be my downfall as a wife; I'd be killing some kids)!

And yes, I've heard the argument that they knew what they were getting themselves into, which is true. It's not like they were all married, and then suddenly Gee started a band. My Chemical Romance was on the rise before any of them married. But that's half the point; these four women CHOSE to marry into this lifestyle and and support these four incredible men despite the negatives they knew they would have to deal with! Like any marriage, there's a balance of good and bad. Each wife chose to put up with the really bad things (like being home alone and some of us crazy, overly-obsessed fans) to get in return a life with the man she loves. The man that none of us fans even know, the man he is in private.

And let me talk about another thing. I've been following the band for a really long time. I have watched and grown up with these guys. But I swear, and again this is my own opinion, the wives have had a positive impact on the guys. I know some of it is just maturity that come with age, but some of it really is the wives! I say that because I think about my own marriage and the others around me that are married. I know my husband makes me a better person; he knows just how far to let me fly before my wax wings will start to melt. I make him a better person; I help him figure out how to fly sometimes. We complement each other. And that goes for the other couples in my life. I believe the same rule applies to these four couples. It just appears to me that since the guys have married, all of them have been able to pull themselves together more and focus their energies in more positive ways.

I'm not trying to sound like either side shouldn't be grateful. Yes, I think these women are damn lucky to have caught one of these four incredible, talented men. But I think it also goes the other way. The guys are damn lucky to have such patient, loving, and supportive women in their lives.

I'm just tired of hearing the jealous "she's just lucky" comments. And when it comes down to it, I'm not sure luck really has that much to do with it. These four wonderful women give the guys what they need at home so I can keep being a fan of My Chemical Romance. I don't know about anyone else, but I personally really appreciate that!
July 20th, 2012 at 05:19am