Phone Issues

Normally I don't care to much about my phone. I mean, I love it and everything and it has all the numbers, reminders, alarm clocks, and things I need on it, but I don't use it all the time. Now though I think I'm ready to kill someone.

My phone randomly decided to stop working and the replacement won't get here until Monday. Then the guy at the store told me that I might not get to keep my replacement phone because they might blame the damage on me dropping my phone. -_- Seriously? I've dropped maybe three times and that was well over three months ago. So it's not because of me dropping it.

Secondly, all my phone numbers are in my phone. The only numbers I have memorized are my mom's, mine, and my best friends. Plus I get lost so easily and I always call someone to help me figure out my way home. Now I don't have a phone! This is just fan-fucking-tastic! I'm so angry right now! If I don't get my stupid replacement phone I have to pay for a whole new one which is around two hundred and fifty dollars, which I don't have. Ugh.

Okay, I'm done with this little rant. It's still storming like a bitch outside so I'm safely tucked in waiting for someone to talk to me. Later everyone.
July 20th, 2012 at 06:10am