I'm best off to just shut my mouth, but whatever.

I'm a very opinionated person. I speak loudly when discussing the things I feel strongly about and, of course, I don't always express myself in the most polite ways. I'm as Democratic as they come, and when entering political debates I refuse to back down on the issue.

Yesterday on facebook, some girls got into a discussion on abortion, and I - being pro-choice - commented saying that I was "only trying to keep the government out of my vagina." Simply, it's my body and if I don't want to shove a nine pound, screaming baby out of a seven centimeter opening then I shouldn't have to; I reserve the right to have an abortion if I so choose. Now, I can understand fully that some women oppose this viewpoint, whether for religious reasons or otherwise, but I do find it more than disrespectful to be referred to as a killer, a sinner, or a whore for choosing to have an abortion.

I respect your right to keep your baby, and you should respect my right to get rid of mine. If I were raped, I wouldn't want a life-long souvenir of my experience and I shouldn't have to - I don't want to raise a child that I resent. If I knew I was going to be a shit parent, then I shouldn't be forced to raise a child that I have no business raising. And people will always say that adoption is an alternative when, no, it's really not - I'd rather not have my child shuffled through the system for up to eighteen years, thank you very much. In each case, I am looking out for the well-being of my child - I am not a slut for caring about my child enough to stop its suffering.
July 21st, 2012 at 03:55am