You Don't Need To Ask Me.

It has come to my attention that people are complaining about people asking to use the Dom/fertile idea from me. Don’t get me wrong I can understand where these people are coming from, because I think they think I’m telling people they can’t use that idea unless they have permission from me.

I just want to clear this up, I always said I don’t mind people using the idea permission or not, it’s nice that people put a link up because hey we all want more readers right, but I’m not going to have some major Diva fit if people don’t mention me.

To be honest I don’t know if I came up with idea or not. I didn’t consciously copy anyone but meh. I just like writing and I love it when people write Dom/fertile stories because hey I love reading them, I’m pretty crappy at writing so it’s great when I see a good writing take the idea and write it better.

Anyway in conclusion you haven’t got to credit me, you haven’t got to ask my permission. If you want to that’s fine.
Anyway Peace, love and cupcakes
July 21st, 2012 at 10:59pm