1 Very Rough Day!

So I had a very rough day yesterday. I had a visit over my mothers (my parents are divorced). She was trashed when we got there (that was 2 in the afternoon). And you could so tell. She bit my brother (he is 12) and she kept asking us over and over "Do you guys want lobster for dinner?" And all i could think was , Ya right like you could afford that. You have no job and no means of money. So she took us for a walk to the store. And you want to know what happened on the walk to the store. She face planted into the pavement. Well let me explain. See what happened was i had her walk on a yellow line. She failed that test. We told her to stand still. She started walking backwards. So my brother and i walked ahead. We were approuching a stop sign and he wasn't stopping, so i grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and put him in a sort of a head lock. I turn behind us and my mother is falling to the ground faceplanting. At first i thought she was just kidding. But when she lifted her head up there was blood running down the right side of her face. I run screaming "MOM! MOM!".When i reached her shes pretty banged up. Cuts and blood all along the right side of her face. My brother (who gets very quizzy at the sight of blood) starts screaning like a litlle girl "HELP! OH MY GOD HELP!" So i yell at him to shut up. And while im yelling at him im trying to help her up. She keeps wipeing her face so bloods all over her hands. And she keeps asking over and over again, "Is it bad?" "Is it bad?". Im like dude shut up. I don't do very well with a drunk grown up and a 12 year old boy screaming and crying like a little girl. So i get her up off the ground and i make her put her arm around me. Well she keeps trying to grab onto my brother with a blood hand and hes screaming and crying. I start yelling at her to stop touching him and to walk friggin' straight. I'm trying to figure out exactly what happened. I don't know what to do because i was pretty sure we weren't going to make the half mile to the store and we didn't have a phone so i couldn't call my dad. It was horrible. I wonder what we looked like? Everybody driving by was stairing. This nice old couple who had drived by turned around and asked if everything was ok. They offered us a ride to the hosptial. I didn't know what to do. What choice did i have? (well i had a couple but i wasnt thinking straight at the moment) So I took him up on his offer. He gave us a ride to the hospital. On the ride there my mother kept turning to my brother (she was sitting in the middle) and kept asking him if it was bad. And i had to keep yelling at her to stop. So when we get to the hospital she hugs the stranger. I felt so bad for him. And when we got there she didn't have any of her cards. My brother was trying to call my dad and she kept screaming "I need my children! I need my children" Ya she needed us so she could annoy the crap out of us. She needed us so she could ruin our lives. Well my dad eventually showed up and took us home. Thank God because i was already flipping out on her in the ER waiting room because she was yelling and crap and not shutting up. And i was so close to punching her in the face. It was literally the worst day of my life.
July 22nd, 2012 at 09:38pm