Another Day

Today I got lectured in the morning how I'm a selfish person and how I'm never going to amount to much if anything by my dearest mother. I love her and always will, but sometimes I just want to shout and scream how I'm not stupid or worthless. I know I'm not the best of daughter's, but I do try. Instead of throwing tantrums when I'm angry at my parents, I just flicker the lights on and off and turn the water on full blast and stay in the shower for an hour at most. And I never ever tell my parents that I hate them because it's untrue. I won't hurt my parents like that ever just because I'm mad at the time...

Also, I felt some pain on my left side just under my breast... I haven't had that pain in a while... Fuck! My sleeping habits need to be fixed or else I might just end up at the hospital during a panic/anxiety attack again... I really don't want my family to worry about me.

Oo! I received a package from my older sister today! And she sent panties, t-shirts, lotion, perfume, and etc. I took all the panties because most of them had lace and ribbons! There was a variety of satin, silk, sheer, and etc. I never knew we had the same taste in underwear! *sighs* She messaged me on facebook asking if I wanted to go to high school where she lived for my junior-senior year... I honestly don't know... I'm sort of scared of people bullying me. I've been bullied most of my life emotionally and socially...I fucking hate that! I'm weird and smart... And they all judge me for it! Fucking haters... Karma will happen to them one day... Anyways, I'm much happier now! I have friends that are weird and love me for my craziness! They all have nicknames except me. They say that I'm just too much (meaning they probably will never meet a person just like me). Ahhh... :D

Hmm.. I don't really know if I can carry on with my relationship with my boyfriend anymore... All he wants to do is cyber or etc. I'm freaking still (a certain age) for Christ sakes'! I want to stay a virgin until I meet the one or until I'm married... I know that sounds stupid to you, but I'm a fucking romantic and you should just get over it. If not get the fuck off my blog! I don't know why you decided to click on it if you're just going to judge me. Oops I got side-tracked again....
My boyfriend is just...
We've been dating for about 3-4 months and I just don't know anymore... AHHH! *pulls at hair*
He's older than me (19), but he still acts like a randy 16 year old... Ugh! I can't even look him in the eyes! And I still haven't had my first kiss... I'm saving it for the right time...

I guess that's enough for today. I got to go and play Maestia and do about 15 quests... Anybody know what to do to finish the Garnet gem quest... Hmm...
Good night!
Good morning!
or Good evening!
or Good whatever!
July 23rd, 2012 at 04:26pm