Wisdom of the Weekend

"Cowboys are for looking, not for touching."

Good advice for if you're going to a rodeo. (:

Now onto where that wisdom came from, and more random-ness going on in my life.

Spent Friday and Saturday evenings down in Lakeside at the Bulls Only Rodeo. It was pretty awesome. (: Saw some people I know there, and they looked at me like "What the hell are you doing here... Oh my God, you're wearing pink?!" It was Tough Enough to Wear Pink night Saturday, and I was wearing jeans, cowboy boots and a hot pink western wear shirt with my TETWP Wrangler belt.(:

Oh yeah, and never take thirteen girls to Denny's around 11:30 at night. It's crazy. xD

It was so much fun.

But, anyways. I've got one more fair and rodeo to go to this summer, then I go back to school. July 31st is 'Registration Day', and then we start on the eighth of August. Early right? Blech.

Well, volleyball open gym tomorrow and Thursday, then tryouts on the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth. Officially going to be a sophmore, which means I survived freshman year. Thank God, haha.

Well, I don't think I'm going to get to go to the beach this Wednesday, which makes me sad, since it'll be two weeks in a row now that I can't go. :( But, oh well. I've got a pretty awesome YouTube playlist going right now. It's an awesome mix of Hollywood Undead, Avenged Sevenfold, Maroon 5, Train, Chevelle, Bullet for My Valentine, and a few others. There's like thirty songs lol. (:

Back to working on a new chapter for my story...
July 23rd, 2012 at 09:05pm