My odd life

Before I talk about what this blog is about I am going to give you info about me. My name is Ashley. I am 19. I do not go to college. I'm taking time to find me before I do that. I work at a gas station near my home. And yes I still live in my parents home. :-)

So about what I honestly just want to vent about and have peoples opinions on. Everything nowadays is way different from when I was young. For one thing dating. Now forever means until I find someone else. Wish is causing divorce to get a higher percentage. It's like no one wants to try and make things work with other people. They would rather run and give rather than try and fight for them.

All of us women want that guy that holds the door, knows when your upset without you even saying a word, gives us their jacket when they get cold, tells us we look beautiful when in all honesty we look like we've been ran over with a bus. We want that guy to slow dance with us in the middle of the road without music to just get lost in the time with each other. But does that all truly exist or is that just same fantasy that we want?

I say all of that to say this, those guys do exist. But you have to be willing to find them. I have found a man like that but there is a problem. Some say a huge problem, as other would say who cares. The man is 33 years old. I get that there is an ste difference but does that stop love? Does that stop true love?

This guy is everything women have always wanted. He's has chivalry, a great sense of humor, an amazing personality. He and I talk about everything. From the weather to deeper things like our secrets we keep from our best friends. My question to you guys is; do you put an age limit on something that feels like its meant to be?,
July 24th, 2012 at 04:28pm