Andy Love c:

Andrew Dennis Biersack was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin then moved to Cincinnati, Ohio around the age of 13. He started his first band, Biersack, in the 8th grade. The band consisted of music by The Misfits and Motley Crue. Then came Black Veil Brides, in 2010, a heavy rock band. The band members included; Sandra Alvarenga (drums) Jacob Pitts (lead guitar) Andy Sixx ;stage name; (vocals) Ashley Purdy ;guy; (bassist) Jeremy "Jinxx" Miles Ferguson (rhythm guitar, violin) The band made a vast change in 2011, going from drummer, Sandra, to Christian "CC" Mora. Better known as Christian Coma, or CC. The band still kept the name 'Black Veil Brides' and took over as the new "Best Upcoming Rock Band." They took worldwide fans, known as the "BVB Army." They played several live shows. Until one grooling day that will never be forgotten. The band was playing a show at a store in L.A., CA, Andy decided to climb up on a 15ft. ledge, and jump off to the stage. Well, he miscalculated and landed on the side of the stage, shattering 3 ribs on his left side. Luckily, Andy got up and finished the show. Afterwards, about a year or so later, they were playing another show, and Andy broke his nose. Ashley finished the set with 'Fallen Angels'.

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July 24th, 2012 at 09:05pm